Additive color effect, also known as additive color mixing, additive color method (the method of using additive color effect). Monochromatic light (only red light, green light, blue light) synthesizes the visual effect of polychromatic light. Additive color effect is the theoretical basis of color synthesis.
The color lights are added in equal amounts, red light +
green light = yellow light, red light + blue light = magenta light, green light
+ blue light = cyan light. Red light + green light + blue light = white light.
The color lights are added in different amounts, more red
light + less green light = orange light, more red light + less green light =
red light, more green light + less blue light = green cyan light. By changing
the mixing ratio of the three primary colors of red, green and blue (addition
of unequal amounts), other colors can be obtained. And with the addition of the
color light, the brightness increases accordingly, so it becomes an additive
color effect.
One of the color process of photography is the color process
of additive color effect. Early color photos, color printers, and color
magnifiers were designed and manufactured by the additive color method.
Subtractive color effect, also known as subtractive color
mixing, subtractive color method (method using subtractive color effect).
Subtracting monochromatic light (only red, blue, and green light) from white
light (multi-color light) becomes the color vision effect of another color
light. The subtractive color method is not to subtract one primary color from
daylight (consisting of three primary colors) to leave two primary colors, but
to subtract one complementary color from daylight to leave one primary color.
Because a complementary color is composed of two primary colors (three complementary
colors are the complementary colors of the three primary colors, and any
primary color of the three primary colors is complementary to the mixture of
the other two colors). Because green + blue = cyan, red + blue = magenta, red +
blue = yellow, so white (red + green + blue)-cyan (green + blue) = red,
white-magenta (red + blue) = Green, white-yellow (red + green) = blue. This
simplifies the color process. The three complementary colors of yellow,
magenta, and cyan can be mixed in different proportions to obtain countless
colors. The mixed color is darker than the original, that is, the brightness is
weakened, so it is called the subtractive color method.
Different objects have the characteristics of reflecting and
absorbing different colors of light. This is because different objects have
different molecular structures (such as pigments), different densities, and
different surface smoothness. The object is red because it can reflect red
light and absorb other colors; the object is green because it can reflect green
light and absorb other colors; the object is blue because it can reflect blue
light and absorb other colors.
According to this principle, the filter can get the color
light we want from the white light. One of the photographic color process is
the color process of subtractive color effect. In photography practice, a white
light (multi-color light) lamp is covered with a red cover to give out red
light, instead of adding red to the white light, it is not additive but
subtractive. Because there are three primary colors of red, green, and blue in
the white light, the red cover can only transmit red light, while the green and
blue light are filtered out. The white light lamp covers what color the cover
will show what kind of light, just like the lens plus the color filter, it uses
the subtractive color method.
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